Cold rolling mill line
Designed to produce flat and shaped wires from 8 up to 56 mm², cold rolled
Low, medium high carbon steel, Al and Cu.
Complete mechanical retrofitting and new electrical panel executed in 2023
Delivery includes:
– Wire rod/drawing wire decoiler
– First stand with wire straightener + 4 rollers (2 driven by DC
electrical motor 39,5 Kw)
– Dancer
– Second stand of 4 rollers (2 driven by DC electrical motor 37,5 Kw)
– Traversing spooler
coils diameter 400 mm
width 250 mm
weight 1200 Kg maximum
Electrical motor 17 Kw + 3 Kw
In the lower part of the line there is a tank for collecting and filtering the refrigerant fluid
Possibility to insert between decoiler and first stand a drawing block for wire rod calibration.
Line speed from 60 up to 150 m/min
Quantity available: 1