Made in 2023MIZAR Cable Recycling Plant, Model CU40Brand: MIZARModel: CU40Type: Featured, Scrap processing equipmentView the machine
New entry1250mm Single Twist Stranding LineBrand: CIGIEMMEModel: Type: Featured, High speed single twist machinesView the machine
2021 overhauledCERRINI 100mm HFFR Extruder lineBrand: CERRINIModel: TR100Type: Extrusion lines, FeaturedView the machine
13 Dies Al Rodbreakdown 2,00-4,500mm, Model LL-450/13Brand: Model: LL-450/13Type: Featured, Rod drawing machines, slip typeView the machine
SAMP MS400 13 Dies Rodbreakdown lineBrand: SAMPModel: MS400Type: Featured, Rod drawing machines, slip typeView the machine
Brand NewREELEX S320 Single Spindle Packaging lineBrand: REELEXModel: S320Type: Coiling machines & packing systems, FeaturedView the machine